My thoughts about the domestic terroist attack in Atlanta against Asian Americans
I've been stewing for a while about everything that's been going on with regards to the Anti-Asian Hate that has been plaguing America since the beginning of the pandemic. I've been struggling to reconcile it. Last night I wanted to try and write out my thoughts rather than posting memes and images to social media. Below was what came out. If you read it please know that if you disagree with anything or have thoughts about any of it I would love to have a conversation. I don't pretend to understand everything and all I can convey are my own thoughts and feelings. I want to start off by saying that the shooting in Atlanta was 100% racially motivated. I believe that without a shadow of a doubt. The fact that no one in power, not the police involved, the mayor of Atlanta, or hell even the president and vice president of the United states will say that it was hurts me deeply to my core. It just shows how little thought o...